Printer USB connection problem
(too old to reply)
2011-07-16 20:04:10 UTC
Subject: Re: [opensuse] Printer USB connection problem
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2011 22:50:58 +0700
I take this as indication that everything is correctly recognised except
that the printer information itself is not passed over the adapter.
usblp is taking care of the device, (you may wish to double-check by
typing "lsmod | grep usblp" (without the quotes) in the terminal as
root). You may also want to double-ckeck if /dev/usb/lp0 exists.
lsmod | grep usblp
gives: 17833 0
There is no /dev/usb/ anywhere available. Do not know why and if this
should be the problem.
In the meantime /dev/usb and /dev/usb/lp0 have shon up
So you have the module loaded and the proper device node for the printer
shows up. It should now be possible to add the printer as per step 3 below.
The following is what I know has helped other people after changing
printer / printer configuration (though not related to a USB/Parallel
adapter). I too had to go through similar steps in order to get my usb
printer hooked onto a HP print server up and running.
(1) Type localhost:631 into the address line of your browser to start
cups web interface. If it asks for username/password just type root and
your respective password.
(2) press "Administration" and then "manage printers", if you see a
printer (your old config), remove it completely, close the browser and
restart cups by typing rccups restart as root in the terminal. If it
does not show a printer, you may skip this step.
(3) go again in cups as in step 1, klick "Administration" and then "add
printer". It should now offer you to add a USB printer. You will have to
fill in the model information and possibly need to select a driver,
depending on you model.
Hope this helps. If not, I'm afraid we're gonna need help from people
who know more about cups than I do.
Will do above after a nights sleep and see if it would work. There are for
the moment no old printers in cups so there is nothing to remove ;).
Neither cups nor Yast found any trace of an USB printer. Will have a closer look
into cups manual and online help. Hope to find there some clues ;(
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Johannes Meixner
2011-07-19 09:40:34 UTC
... USB printer adapter cable ...

Alternatively it might work to misuse the "parallel" backend
when you specify its device URI as parallel:/dev/usbp0
depending on to which extent parallel port communication
works even via an USB-to-parallel-port-converter.

Alternatively you may use a self-made backend as described in
provided there is a device node that can be used to send data to
the printer via an "echo -en '\rHello\r\f' >/dev/..." command as in

Kind Regards
Johannes Meixner
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH -- Maxfeldstrasse 5 -- 90409 Nuernberg -- Germany
HRB 16746 (AG Nuernberg) GF: Jeff Hawn, Jennifer Guild, Felix Imendoerffer
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